
Les Relations des Jésuites contiennent 6 tomes et défont le mythe du bon Sauvage de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, et aussi des légendes indiennes pour réclamer des territoires, ainsi que la fameuse «spiritualité amérindienne».

samedi, juin 09, 2007


by Mervyn Erb
(Brucefield Ontario)

We have space here to publish only a short extract from Mervyn Erb's excellent article which appeared in The Rural Voice (Ontario, Summer 1991).

The World Conservation Bank (WCB) was proposed at the Fourth World Wilderness Congress held 13-18 September 1987, in Denver, Colorado. It will be the largest bank ever created, and will contain trillions of dollars in capitalization, the collateral being derived from the receipt of wilderness properties throughout the world.

It will have central bank powers similar to those of the Bank of Canada or the US Federal Reserve central bank. The World Conservation Bank will create currency and loans and will engage in international discounting, counter-trade, barter, and swap transactions.

How will this WCB scheme work exactly? It will be enacted by the United Nations but will need to be approved by every country participating. Governments around the world will give title to their wilderness lands to the World Wilderness Land Inventory Trust. This trust will then be floated into the WCB by the unanimous decree of the world's ecological movement, supposedly to preserve and protect reindeer, rainforests, and the ozone layer.

This trust will be vested with title to 12½ billion acres, which is 30 per cent of the world's land surface.
For instance, there could be a gradual loan swap for Brazil, taking it out of its old loans and putting it into a new WCB loan, which would certainly sweeten the present slow loan on Chase Manhattan's balance sheet. Or it could just pay it off.

But what will really happen is that the Brazilians will give up title to millions of acres of land and, in exchange, the Chase Manhattan will have its loan to Brazil paid off by the WCB.

The WCB propose that it act as intermediary between certain developing countries and multilateral or private banks to transfer a specific debt to the WCB, thus substituting an existing 'doubtful' debt in the bank's books for a new loan to the WCB. In return for having been relieved of its debt obligation, the debtor country would transfer to the WCB natural resource assets of 'equivalent value.'

World Bank loans, as they stand now, are not backed by collateral. [The lesser developed countries cannot pay off their present debts, let alone keep up with interest payments. They will face financial collapse if they don't get the WCB, and most likely they will lose their collateral because they won't be able to pay off the WCB loans. However, somebody, somewhere, is going to make their bad loans good, and somebody, somewhere, is going to end up with title to a lot of real estate: the United Nations.

An international currency has reportedly already been printed in Canada, including the United States' portion [it is at Dorval airport, waiting to be dispensed]. The notes are in various coloured denominations because our mint had the expertise in using coloured polyester threads that the US does not have. The new currency is to be called Phoenix, a word that implies immortality, since the mythological Phoenix rose from the ashes of its predecessor. It is all part of a carefully-planned agenda of the new world order.

Merv Erb is an independent crop consultant and agronomist from Brucefield, Ontario. The above article appeared in The Rural Voice (Summer 1991).

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